👨‍🍳✨ My Restaurant!

May 26, 2023

Prestige Update!


Semi-Pro Prestige is here…

Semi-Pro Prestige has arrived!

Level up from Rookie prestige to experience new appliances and recipes!

It's time to unleash your inner chef and take your culinary skills to dazzling new heights with the Semi-Pro Prestige!


Semi-Pro Prestige Recipes!

Discover a range of amazing Prestige recipes that will keep your customers coming back for more. 

With these delicious new recipes you'll have everything you need to satisfy their cravings. 

Expand your menu, impress your guests, and watch your restaurant thrive.


Semi-Pro Prestige Appliances!

Sparkle and shine like a gemstone with the all-new Emerald, Sapphire, and Ruby stoves and dishwashers in the Semi-Pro Prestige

Upgrade your kitchen with these exquisite appliances that boast state-of-the-art features and stunning designs. 

Cook with precision and efficiency, while adding a touch of elegance to your restaurant.




- General bug fixes
- General bug fixes
- General Optimization
- UI changes


Hope you all enjoy this My Restaurant update, happy cooking! ~ Preston & MR Dev Team