What's new?
Winter World!
Experience winter wonderland! An entirely new world, with new pets, opened exclusively to VIP members for the time being.
New Egg!
Includes 6 brand new pets!
- Seal
- Polar Bear
- Penguin
- Arctic Fox
- Mystic Fox (Rare)
- Snowman (Epic)
Found in the Winter World
Golden Pets Machine!
Convert your pets to GOLD! Gold pets have 2x the strength of a normal pet. To use the Golden Pets Machine, you must own the Golden Pets upgrade.
VIP Tickets Upgrade!
Unlocks the ability to find FREE VIP in drops! The amount of VIP time is completely random, ranging from 15 minutes to 24 hours.
Multi Delete!
Ever wanted to delete multiple pets at one click of a button? Well, now you can!
What else?
Added 8 pets equipped upgrade!
Increased Epic pet drop rates by 10x and Legendary pets by as much as 100x!
Added Ugly Duck pet to the Beach world! (We forgot about him, sorry Ugly Duck)
Drops can now be picked up instantly! This is a massive QOL improvement, especially for mobile players
Only one drop is shown at a time - less cluttered!
Massively buffed the amount of drops per coin
Coins are no longer near-impossible to select for mobile players
Clouds were bottle-necking performance for some people, which is now fixed
Reduced the number of coins in some worlds to cut down on lag
Re-balanced some upgrades and upgrade rarities (you will keep these upgrades if you unlocked them previously!)
Pets no longer do the hokey pokey and shuffle around
Added temporary controller support
Fixed a strange bug that let players walk on the sky (clouds spawned in the ground)
You can no longer delete an equipped pet
Opening lots of eggs no longer slows the game down over time
Changed the Diamond collect sound
Added a VIP purchase sound
Fixed Jungle and Beach world border clipping
Fixed an issue where double/triple drop upgrades would drop an extra EXTRA drop
Super rare drops like VIP and Extra Slots no longer duplicate in drops
Adjusted interface scaling to support mobile properly
Patched an exploit that gave exploiters unlimited VIP (naughty)
Added leave/join messages in the chat
Added a warning about VIP subscription expiration on the VIP page
Added commas to statistics under settings
Changed selected image
Re-balanced coin spawn tables
Added mouse-over input for coins
Fixed typos for some upgrade descriptions
Fixed positioning of some Beach World pets
Added button animations to pets in the inventory
Cannon sound no longer warps out
You can no longer pick up coins when in a cannon (why would you do this?)
Fixed the VIP redeem button flashing when Forever VIP is purchased
Put a silencer on the fountain ambience SFX
Fixed server memory leaks
Fixed random errors and squashed random bugs
Thanks for playing, have a great weekend!